Restaurant System

Manage your restaurant with ease and accuracy.

Enterprise System Flow

  • Proper Sales tracking with the use of Business Day
  • Day closing system to mark end of the day to track sales apart from system date
  • Not breaking sales reports between dates for late running restaurants and clubs
  • Employee Shift start and end System
  • Shift report with sales Analysis and Collection Details.
  • Employee Performance tracking with Shift and order details.

Menu Management

  • Menu Groups
  • Menu Courses
  • Ability to Separate Menu Items into Sections : Kitchen, Bar and more ...
  • Menu Management with Section and Branch-wise Pricing
  • Menu Recipe Management
  • Menu Recipe Items
  • Recipe Consumption Tracking Based on Sales

Order and Order Management

  • Easy Order Taking with Desktop and Mobile App
  • Table Based Order Management
  • Order Transfer Between Tables
  • Order Splitting and Merging between tables
  • Order Cancellation and Tracking
  • Automatic KOT Priting with Mobile and Desktop
  • Kot Cancellation and Printing Reports
  • Kot details with order-item delivery tracking
  • Customer Order Status Tracking and Steps


  • Sales Reports with intelligence Analysis
  • Non-chargeable and Chargeable Reports
  • Customer Statement with ability to print
  • Customer Statement with sales and payment items
  • Itemized Sales Reports with Analysis
  • Customer Due Reports
  • Complemntary Reports
  • Receivable Reports with Aging Analysis
  • Kot Reports with Details
  • Recipe Reports with Details

Customer Management

  • Customer Tracking with Mobile Number & Code
  • Customer Profile and Details
  • Customer History and Invoices
  • Customer Groups and Group Based Due Limit
  • Individual Customer Due Limit
  • New Customer & Old Customer Analysis
  • Automated Email and SMS System Integrated
  • Automatic Customer Birthday and Anniversary Notification with Email and Sms
  • Customer Loyalty Tracking with Code and Mobile Number
  • Online Customer Portal

Payment Methods

  • Multiple Payment Methods Supported
  • Ability to take payments with multiple payment methods
  • Payment Methods based collection summary
  • Ability to control payment method with activation and deactivation
  • Online Result
  • Mark Ledger Export
  • Result Analysis


  • Deliver emails to customer's inbox with our built-in email servers.
  • Abilty to define and modify multiple email templates
  • Ability to use your own email servers.
  • Ability to send Invoice via email to customer directly from system without having to print.
  • View email delivery and queue reports.
  • Send due reports, statements and reminders via email.
  • Control Email usage per-branch and Overall

SMS Alert

Notify your custmers and brand retention with integrated sms system.

  • Ability define SMS templates
  • Setup system to send SMS to customer automatically upon checkout.
  • Wishing Birthday and Annivery automatically.
  • Ability to send Due Reminds, Due Reports to customers on clicks.
  • SMS Log and SMS queue tracking.
  • Control SMS usage per branch and Overall.

User and Branch Management

Manage your branches and user accross branches.

Branch Management

  • Manage unlimited branches from single software across distant places.
  • Branch Activation and deactivation
  • Branch Location and Details
  • Payment Method, SMS and Email Control Branch-wise and Overall
  • Manage extra message lines in invoices per branch and Overall.

User Management

Manage and track your users

  • User setup based on mobile number, email and username
  • User activation and deactivation
  • User Profile and User Activity Tracking.
  • Track user activity across platforms, Mobile, Web and Desktop
  • Role Definition to match your management structure
  • Ability to assign multiple roles to user and assign role temporarily with automatic deactivation upon expiry.
  • Ability to assign module-based fine grained acls to roles to control access.

Inventory Management

Easily Manage your inventories at realtime and track items across multiple stores.

Product Management

  • Multiple Store System
  • Trasnfer between stores and approval flow
  • Products, Product Groups, Product Classes and Categories
  • Product Variants to track differnt types and sizes of the same product
  • Ability to define multiple-units and conversion between units.
  • Vendor Management with Vendor Groups and Vendors
  • Inventory Levels per store and over all.
  • FIFO ( First-in-First-out ) and FEFO ( First-expiry-First-Out) method supported.


Manage your payroll tasks in time and easily.

  • Inventory Voucher Entries and Cancellation
  • Post Dated Vouchers.
  • Receipt Note, Delivery Note, Rejection In, Rejection Out, Physical Verification
  • Consumption, Journal, Requisition and Issue
  • Voucher Review and Confirmation Flow
  • Inventory Count Formats
  • Inventory Transaction Reports and Filtering
  • Transactions Across Multiple Branches and Stores


Detailed and Accurate Reports to find out state of your inventory.

  • Current Stock Reports with filtering based on branch and store
  • Product Movement Report
  • Product and Product Variant Statements
  • Summary and Detailed Stock Reports
  • Product Aging Report based on Purchase Date and Expiry Date
  • Vendor Reports and Vendor Due Reports
  • Inventory Customer Statement

HR & Payroll

Complete records of staff, attendances and payroll based on rules of Nepal Government


  • Complete Employee Profile( Skills & Competencies, Personal, Position and Level Detais)
  • Employee Document Upload and Storage
  • Recruitment Process
  • Leave Management
  • Goals and Performance Management
  • Career Development, Succession Planning
  • Learning & Learning Management
  • Health & Safety


Manage your payroll tasks in time and easily.

  • Payment Heads & Allowances Setup
  • Payment Type setup
  • Salary Sheet and Pay Slip
  • Provident Fund, Gratuity & Others Funds
  • Occasional Deduction and Addition
  • Account Statement
  • Attendance and Other Reports

Accounting System

Keep your books upto and find any account details with just clicks.

General Accounting

  • Robust General Accounting System
  • Ability to define Chart of Accounts and Accounting Start Date.
  • Timeless Accounting
  • Account Groups and Accounts
  • Fiscal Year Creation and Following of fiscal year
  • Per fiscal year sequential voucher numbering with voucher references
  • Auto Integration with other Restaurant, Inventory, HR Modules
  • Followed with GAAP and Accounting Standards


Accounting Operations

  • Receipt, Payment, Sales, Purchase, Purchase Return, Sales Return, Journal vouchers.
  • Ability to enter post-dated vouchers with transaction and posting date
  • Ability to cancel voucher and printing list of cancelled vouchers
  • Transaction Search and Voucher Printing
  • Ability to attach / upload document to each voucher.
  • Locking dates to prevent any further entries to those locked dates.
  • Update / Change of Accounting Start Date.


Get complete reports of your accounts.

  • Day Book
  • Account Statements
  • Transaction and detailed transaction search.
  • Transaction details view with who entered and who cancelled.
  • Ability to track post-dated transactions.
  • Final Accounts : Trial Balance, Trading Account, P/L Accout and Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Ratio Analysis
  • Other Reports